Quarto Staff Profile: Nick Gauthier

Illustration by Cameron Lee

Illustration by Cameron Lee


Name: Nicholas Gauthier

Year: CC ’21

Major/College: Philosophy and Psychology, Columbia College

Position on Quarto: Co-Editor-in-Chief

Where are you from? Glen Mills, Pennsylvania

What do you love about Quarto?

I genuinely love the fact that I get to read the writing of so many talented Columbia writers, including those whose writing we never publish. 

What inspires you to do the work we do?

I am inspired by the editing staff. Coming into meeting and collectively doing “roses and thorns” always grounds me and inspires me to do the work that we do for the Columbia Community—the very people that are a part of Quarto. 

Do you have any pets?

I don’t have any pets.

Where can we find you in your free time (a lazy Monday afternoon, a cozy Sunday morning?)

You can find me in Max Caffe, Hungarian Pastry Shop, or this place called Blue Stripes Cacao Shop downtown.

What else are you involved in/what are your other interests?

On campus, I am involved in the Gadfly (our Undergraduate Philosophy Magazine) and Alianza (our pan-Latinx club). Outside of clubs, my other interests can pretty much be summed up by philosophy and film. In my spare time, it’s very likely I am watching a movie, reading philosophy, or writing (in some capacity related to philosophy). 

Favorite author/artist/work?

*Disclaimer: I absolutely despise questions about favorites!!! BUT Favorite Author: Aldous Huxley (as of reading Brave New World this summer); Favorite Artist: Christopher Nolan (director); Favorite Work: Sorry to Bother You (film)

What else should we know about you?

You should know that I never saw myself as an anime person and then I watched Death Note and… that was the end of me not being an anime person (although the last half of the show was really disappointing).