Quarto Staff Profile: Gisela Levy

Illustration by Cameron Lee

Illustration by Cameron Lee


Year - Junior

Major/College - East Asian Studies, CC

Where are you from?

I’m from Brazil and DC.

Do you have any pets?

I have two wonderful dogs. Smokey is a puppy and needs you to give him a treat, now. Benny is a multilingual human man trapped in the body of a miniature schnauzer.

What do you love about Quarto?

 I love Quarto because every week I work with people who inspire me and change my mind and laugh at my jokes, that’s the dream.

What inspires you to do the work we do?

I am inspired to do the work that we do because our submissions are often so beautiful, that I feel proud to publish and illustrate them.

Where can we find you in your free time (a lazy Monday afternoon, a cozy Sunday morning?)

In my free time I am on a walk or in my room, either watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer or listening to Buffering the Vampire Slayer.

What else are you involved in/what are your other interests?

I am an intern in the Asian art department at the Met. Love it, dream job.

What am I reading/watching/listening to?

Anything Sophie Levy recommends.

What else should we know about you?

You should know that I want you to send your work to Quarto (especially you, visual artists!!) and next year apply to be on Quarto’s staff!